Kevin Charles O'Kane
Professor Emeritus
Department of Computer Science
University of Northern Iowa
Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0507
Citizenship: Ireland, USA
1968 Boston College, S.B (chemistry)
1972 The Pennsylvania State University, Ph.D. (computer science), advisor: P.A.D. deMaine
1969-1974 Research Assistant (69-72) and Assistant Professor (72-74), Computer Science Dept, and Dept of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
1974-1975 Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri 
1975-1977  Assistant Professor and Director, Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Biomedical Computing, Computer and Information Science Dept and School of Allied Medical Professions, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 
1977-1978  Senior Software Engineer, Raytheon Data Systems, Norwood, Massachusetts 
1978-1986  Professor (1978-1984 Associate Professor), Computer Science Department, and Director, Computer Science Laboratory, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 
1986-1992  Professor, Computer Science Department, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. (Head, 1986-1990). 
1992-  Head (1992-1996)
Professor (1992-2013)
Professor Emeritus (2013-)
Computer Science Department
University of Northern
Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa  
Duties, Accomplishments, Consulting, Honors
  1. Head, Computer Science Department, University of Alabama, 1986-1990.
  2. Head, Computer Science Department, University of Northern Iowa, 1992-1996.
  3. Authored Computer Science Ph.D. Program proposal, University of Tennessee (1983-1986).
  4. Authored Computer Science Ph.D. Program proposal, University of Alabama (1986-1990).
  5. Successful first CSAB/ABET accreditation application, University of Alabama (1989-1990) .
  6. Established BS and MS programs in computer science, University of Northern Iowa (1994-1996).
  7. Faculty Advisor and chapter founder, Upsilon Pi Epsilon Computer Science Honorary Society (UNI)
  8. Authored Interdisciplinary B.S. Degree Program in Bioinformatics (UNI)
  9. Chair, Industrial Technology Headship Internal Review (UNI)
  10. Biology Department Headship Internal Review (UNI)
  11. Scientific Board, Online Journal of Bioinformatics
  12. Grants:
    1. AT&T Equipment Grant
    2. National Library of Medicine Biomedical Computing Training Grant
    3. National Cancer Institute Demonstration Grant
    4. IBM Software Grant
    5. Microsoft Software Grant
    6. MCI Scholarship Grant
    7. Rockwell/Collins Scholarship Grant
    8. State Farm Insurance Equipment Grant.
  13. Directed more than 30 MS theses and served as a member of eight Ph.D. committees
  14. Ph.D. Thesis Direction: Amba Sanjeevi, Computer Based Linking of Thesauri, The University of Alabama, 1992. 
  15. Honors:
    1. Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
    2. Upsilon Pi Epsilon
    3. Society of Sigma Xi
    4. Who's Who in the Midwest
    5. American Men and Women of Science
    6. 1997 Technical University Dresden Senior vonHumbolt Fellowship nominee.
    7. 1999 National Cancer Institute Technology Expo Exhibit Grant
    8. ACM SIGBIO 1997 nominee for Chair
  16. Courses taught:
    1. data base management systems;
    2. compiler design;
    3. systems programming;
    4. computer architecture;
    5. assembly language/computer org;
    6. C, C++ (CS I/CS II);
    7. medical informatics;
    8. information storage and retrieval;
    9. computers and society;
    10. web design and programming;
    11. formal languages and automata;
    12. PL/I; Fortran;
    13. data structures;
    14. artificial intelligence;
    15. bioinformatics.
  17. Professional Activities
    1. Chair, Committee of Data Definitions, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania Assoc of Cancer Centers (1975-1977)
    2. Reviewer: National Science Foundation;
    3. Reviewer: SCAMC/AMIA;
    4. Member: NCI SAQC Advisory Panel (1976-1977);
    5. Ohio State University Hospitals Human Subjects Committee (1976-1977);
    6. Ohio Division American Cancer Society Professional Education Committee (1976-1977);
    7. Epidemiology Advisory Committee, Oak Ridge Associated Universities (1980-82);
    8. ACM Standards Committee (1983-84);
    9. MUMPS Users' Group License Review Committee (1984-1986);
    10. Reviewer: Medinfo 86;
    11. Book Reviewer for Meth. and Prog. in Biomedicine;
    12. MUMPS Users' Group Strategic Planning Committee (1986);
    13. National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigators Award Panel, 1989;
    14. National Library of Medicine Toxnet Evaluation Panel, 1989;
    15. Grand Award Judge, 43rd International Science and Engineering Fair, Nashville, 1992;
    16. Reviewer: Online Review;
    17. Vice-chair, 2nd International Conf on Knowledge Acquisition, Representation and Processing, 1995;
    18. Mumps ANSI Standard Appeals Panel, 1995;
    19. Reviewer, Journal of Systems Integration
  18. Consulting:
    1. GD Searle;
    2. Warner-Lambert Parke-Davis;
    3. Smith, Kline & French Pharmaceuticals;
    4. Cannon Labs; Teams Inc.;
    5. Pennwalt Pharmaceuticals;
    6. MUMPS Users' Group;
    7. Naval Data Automation Command/Department of Defense Computer Institute;
    8. Oak Ridge Associated Universities;
    9. Polyclinic Hospital (Harrisburg, PA);
    10. East Tennessee Health Maintenance Organization;
    11. Center for Professional Advancement;
    12. McGraw-Hill Book Company;
    13. MacMillan Publishing Company;
    14. CBS Educational and Professional Publishing;
    15. Prentice-Hall;
    16. Saint Joseph's University;
    17. Veterans Administration;
    18. Organizing Committee: International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems;
    19. Wright State University College of Medicine;
    20. Pick Data Systems
    21. Graduate School, East Carolina University
  1. O'Kane, K.C.; and Jurinski, N.B.; An automatic curve reading device, J. Chem. Ed., Vol 46, p 460 (1969).
  2. deMaine, P.A.D.; and O'Kane, K.C.; A national retrieval system for the physical and biomedical sciences, Proc First Texas Symposium on Computer Systems, pp IV.1.1-IV.1.13 (IEEE Computer Society, 5855 Naples Plaza, Long Beach,California 90803, 1972). 
  3. deMaine, P.A.D.; O'Kane, K.C.; and Rotwitt, T., An automatic information processing and retrieval system for factories, corporations and regions, presented at the International Symposium in the Use of Electronic Computers in Chemical Engineering (Paris, 1973); also in: Management Informatics, Vol 2, p 251-264 (1973). 
  4. O'Kane, K.C.; and Hildebrandt, R.J., An integrated health information processing and retrieval system, Proceedings 1974 AFIPS NCC&E, Vol 43, p 93-105 (1974).
  5. O'Kane, K.C.; Woodward, T.; and Hildebrandt, R.J., A proposed medical data acquisition system, Proc ASIS 37th Annual Conference, Vol 11, p 40-45 (1974).
  6. O'Kane, K.C.; and Kelly, V., A review of medical information processing systems, J Clinical Computing, Vol 4, p 339-358 (1975). 
  7. O'Kane, K.C.; and Hildebrandt, R.J., The use of television in medical information systems, Management Datamatics, Vol 4, p 7-8 (1975). 
  8. O'Kane, K.C.; deMaine, P.A.D.; and Hildebrandt, R.J., A proposed integrated regional health information system, Management Datamatics, Vol 4, p 139-147 (1975). 
  9. O'Kane, K.C.; and Trzebiatowski, G.L., Graduate level education in biomedical computing, Clinical Engineering News, Vol 5, p 13-14 (1977). 
  10. O'Kane, K.C.; and Haluska, E.A., Current trends in clinical computing, in: Advances in Computing (M. Rubinoff and M. Yovits, eds), Vol 16, p 128-182, Academic Press (New York, 1977). 
  11. Leaders, F.E.; Van Hoose, M.C.; and O'Kane, K.C., Computer based systems for acquisition, management and reporting of animal data - the biomedical scientists perspective, Drug Information Journal, Vol 14, p 15-19 (1980).
  12. O'Kane, K.C.; and Hildebrandt, R.J., Generalized protocol driven problem oriented clinical data management and monitoring, Proceedings of the 1980 ACM National Conference, p 433-438 (1980). 
  13. O'Kane, K.C.; Leaders, F.E.; and Van Hoose, M.C., Protocol based non-clinical biomedical laboratory data collection, Medical Informatics, Vol 5, pp 205-213 (1980).
  14. O'Kane, K.C.; An RT-11 single user standard MUMPS interpreter, MUMPS Users' Group Quarterly, Vol 10, p 5-6 (1980). 
  15. O'Kane, K.C.; A portable FORTRAN based implementation of MUMPS, MUMPS Users' Group Quarterly, Vol 12, p 19-21 (1982). 
  16. O'Kane, K.C.; A MUMPS language development and experimentation laboratory, MUMPS Users' Group Quarterly. Vol 12, No 4., p 47-51 (1983). 
  17. O'Kane, K.C.; MUMPS under IBM VM/CMS, MUMPS Users' Group Quarterly, Vol 13, No 1, p 55-57 (1983). 
  18. O'Kane, K.C.; A portable hybrid MUMPS development system host, Proc IEEE Computer Society 7th International Computer Software Applications Conference, p 60-65 (1983). 
  19. O'Kane, K.C.; A C Based MUMPS Interpreter, MUMPS Users' Group Quarterly, Vol 14, No 2, p 23-24 (1984). 
  20. O'Kane, K. C.; Design for a relational data base system in MUMPS, MUMPS Users' Group Quarterly, Vol 15, No 2 p 33 (1985).
  21. O'Kane, K.C.; An expert systems and relational data base management facility for Mumps, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol 16, No. 3, pp 205-213 (1986). 
  22. Haas, R.; and O'Kane, K.C., "Typesetting chemical formulas with the text formater TEX/LATEX," Computers and Chemistry, Vol 11, No 4, pp 251-271 (1987). 
  23. O'Kane, K.C., Computers in the health sciences, in: Advances in Computing, Vol 27, M. Yovits, ed., pp 211-264, Academic Press (1988). 
  24. O'Kane, K.C.; Stanley, D.A.; and Meredith, D.L., Preliminary evaluation of a computer vision sensor for analysis of phosphate tailings, Proc of the Control 90 Mineral and Metallurgical Processing Symposium, p 137-141, Salt Lake City, UT, (1990).
  25. O'Kane, K.C.; "The design of a text-based information storage and retrieval system in MUMPS," MUMPS Users' Group Quarterly, Vol XXI, No 4, pp 21-26 (1991).
  26. O'Kane, K.C.; A language for implementing information retrieval software, Online Review, Vol 16, No 3, pp 127-137 (1992). 
  27. O'Kane, K.C.; and McColligan, E.E., A C++ class library foundation for developing an electronic medical record, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 415-423 (1995).
  28. O'Kane, K.C.; Generating document indices and clusters from common denominators in large document collections, Information Processing and Management, Vol 32, No 1, pp 105-115 (1996).
  29. O'Kane, K.C.; and McColligan, E.E., An object oriented class library for medical software development, Methods of Information in Medicine, Vol 35, No. 4/5, pp. 343-347 (1996).
  30. O'Kane, K. C.; A design for a World Wide Web Document Retrieval System, ONLINE and CDROM Review, Vol 20, No. 1, pp 11-20 (1996).
  31. Amba., S.; Narasimhamurthi, N,; O'Kane, K.; and Turner, P., Automatic linking of thesauri, Proceedings of 19th Annual SIGIR Conference, Zurich, Switzerland (1996).
  32. O'Kane, K.C.; McColligan, E.E.; Davis, G. A., Implementing a Distributed Intranet Based Information System, Topics in Health Information Management, Vol 17, No 2 pp 54-62 (1996).
  33. O'Kane, K.C.; and McColligan, E. E., A case study of a Mumps intranet patient record, Journal of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, Vol 11, No 3, pp 81-95 (1997).
  34. O'Kane, K.C.; and McColligan, E.E., A Web Based Mumps Virtual Machine, Proceedings of the American Medical Informatics Association 1997 Fall Symposium, D. R. Masys, ed., Abstract: p 881, Text: CDROM Document D004079.pdf (Hanley & Belfus, Philadelphia 1997)
  35. O'Kane, K.C.; and McColligan, E.E., A web access script language to support clinical application development, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol 55, pp 85-97 (1998).
  36. O'Kane, K.C., An M Compiler for Internet server applications, M Computing, pp 11-17, Volume 7, Number 1 (February 1999).
  37. O'Kane, K.C., Getting over the Mumps, Healthcare Informatics, pp 85-88 (November 2000).
  38. O'Kane, K.C., Migration of legacy Mumps applications to relational data base servers, Methods of Information in Medicine Vol 40, pp 225-228 (2001).
  39. O'Kane, K.C.; and Lockner, M. J., Indexing genomic sequence libraries, Information Processing and Management, Vol 41, No 2, pp 265-274 (2004).
  40. O'Kane, K.C., The Effect of Inverse Document Frequency Weights on Indexed Sequence Retrieval, Online Journal of Bioinformatics, Volume 6 (2) 162-173, 2005.
  41. O'Kane, K.C., Open-Source Data Base Toolkit for Genomic Research, in preparation.
Technical Reports and Books
  1. O'Kane, K.C., Operation Manual for the CSAR System, Technical Report, The Pennsylvania State University Department of Computer Science, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802, 77pp (revised: August 1974). 
  2. O'Kane, K.C.; UT-MUMPS User's Guide for Versions Running Under RT-11, RSX-11M, TOPS-10 and IBM 360/370 Operating Systems, Technical Report, University of Tennessee Department of Computer Science, (94 pp 1982). 
  3. O'Kane, K.C., The Mumps Programming Language.
  4. IBM Mainframe Assembly Language Programming
  5. Experiments in Information Retrieval
  6. O'Kane, K.C., The Multi-Dimensional and Hierarchical Toolkit. (Open Source Textbook)
  7. Threadsafe Books (novels)
Short Papers and Abstracts
  1. Hildebrandt, R.J.; O'Kane, K.C.; and Weber, J., Computerized pre-natal record as a research tool, Gynecological Investigation, Vol 5, p 58 (1974). 
  2. O'Kane, K.C.; & Trzebiatowski, G.L., Computers in health care: the role of the university, ACM SIGBIO News, Vol 2., p 4-6 (1977). 
  3. O'Kane, K.C., Standard MUMPS Implementations, MUMPS Users' Group Quarterly, Vol 18, No 3, p 73 (1988); Vol 19, No 2, p 62 (1989) Vol 20, No 3 (1990). 
  4. O'Kane, K.C.; A predicate logic based chemical information system, Proc International Open Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition, Representation and Processing, Rzeszow University of Technology and Polish Academy of Sciences, sponsors, Rzeszow, Poland (1993). 
  5. O'Kane, K.C., Information retrieval by automatically generated HTML documents in large document collections, Proc Second International Conference on Knowledge Acquisition, Representation and Processing, September 27-30, 1995, Auburn, Alabama. 
  6. O'Kane, K.C., and McColligan, E. E., Object oriented medical records software development, Proc Second International Conference on Knowledge Acquisition, Representation and Processing, September 27-30, 1995, Auburn, Alabama. 
  7. O'Kane, K.C., and McColligan, E.E., A medical record Web access script language, Proc American Medical Informatics Association Spring Congress, June 5-9, 1996, Kansas City, MO.
Conference Presentations
  1. O'Kane, K.C., A graduate training program in biomedical computing and information processing, 1976 Computer Science Conference, Anaheim, CA (1976). 
  2. O'Kane, K.C., Graduate training program in biomedical computing, Second Midwest Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Columbus, OH (1976). 
  3. Haluska E.; Augustyn, T.; and O'Kane, K., A single user MUMPS system for TSO, 1976 MUMPS Users' Group Conference, Madison, Wisconsin (1976). 
  4. O'Kane, K.C., The OSU Comprehensive Cancer Center's and KOPACC's plans for a registry effort, Ohio Cancer Coordinating Committee UPDATE 77 (Columbus 1977). 
  5. Riley, J.B.; and O'Kane, K.C., A computer simulation of maintaining total heart lung bypass for basic education, 15th International Conference of the American Society for Extra-Corporeal Technology (Chicago 1977). 
  6. McColligan, E.; and O'Kane, K., A computer program utilizing numerical taxonomy and discriminant analysis for categorization of high-risk pregnancies during the first trimester, 1977 Computer Science Conference. (Atlanta 1977) 
  7. O'Kane, K., Medical information management, American Medical Records Association Educators' Workshop (Atlanta, October 1977). 
  8. O'Kane, K., Computer applications in medicine, American Medical Records Association Educators' Workshop (Las Vegas, October 1978). 
  9. Leaders, F., Van Hoose, M.; O'Kane, K.; and Hughes, C., A computer based system for acquisition and reporting of animal data: I. The biomedical scientists perspective, 15th Annual Meeting of the Drug Information Association (Chicago 1979). 
  10. O'Kane, K.; Hughes, C.; Van Hoose, M.; and Leaders, F., A computer based system for acquisition and reporting of animal data: II. The computer scientists' perspective, 15th Annual Meeting of the Drug Information Association (Chicago, 1979). 
  11. O'Kane, K., Data collection for pharmaceutical research and clinical studies, ACM Mid-Southeast Chapter Fall Meeting (Gatlinburg, TN 1979). 
  12. O'Kane, K.C.; "Design of a FORTRAN based MUMPS interpreter", MUMPS Users' Group Continuing Education Seminar (Washington, March 1981). 
  13. O'Kane, K.C.; "Introduction to ANSI MUMPS", Department of Defense Computer Institute (Washington, November 1981). 
  14. O'Kane, K.C.; "Introduction to MUMPS Language Programming", Washington Chapter of the ACM and University of Maryland Center for Continuing Education Professional Development Seminar (Washington 1982). 
  15. O'Kane, K.C.; "Practical Applications of Computers in Data Management"; and: "Selection of Computer Hardware and Software"; Seminar in Handling Research Data sponsored by the Institute for Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences (East Windsor, NJ October 1982). 
  16. O'Kane, K.C.; "Introduction to Computer Applications in Medicine," Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. (March 1983). 
  17. O'Kane, K.C.; "Introduction to ANS MUMPS for Programmers," tutorial for MUMPS Users' Group (San Francisco, June 1983; Philadelphia, June 1984; Baltimore, October 1983; Washington, November 1984; Commerce Texas, March 1985; Atlanta, April 1985). 
  18. O'Kane, K.C.; "Future of programming languages", invited panelist, ACM National Conference (San Francisco, October 1984). 
  19. O'Kane, K.C., "Intermediate MUMPS programming," tutorial for Mumps Users' Group (San Diego, 1986). 
  20. O'Kane, K.C., "Computer Science Education," 16th College and University Symposium for Higher Education in Tennessee (Fall Creek Falls, TN, 1986). 
  21. O'Kane, K.C., Session Chair, Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Minerals and Materials Technology, U.S. Bureau of Mines and The University of Alabama, October 20-21, 1987. 
  22. O'Kane, K.C., Session Chair: "Databases and Information Retrieval," ACM Mid-Southeast Chapter Fall Meeting, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, November 5-6, 1987. 
  23. O'Kane, K.C., Session Chair: "Databases," 26th Annual Conference of the Southeast Region of the ACM, Mobile, Alabama, April 21-22, 1988. 
  24. O'Kane, K.C., invited participant, "Conference on Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Education", sponsored by the National Science Foundation, February, 1990. 
  25. O'Kane, K. C., An information retrieval implementation language, ACM Mid-Southeast Chapter Fall Conference, November 6-7 1991. 
  26. O'Kane, K.C., Language independent generation of hierarchical document indices in large document collections, Institut fuer Analytische Chemie, Technische Universitaet Dresden, May 11-12, 1995. 
  27. O'Kane, K.C., From Mumps to SQL: Moving your information enterprize forward, Heathcare Informatics Conference and Expo, Chicago, April 18-19, 20001.