Module 2
Methods for Teaching Computer Science


  • For a given teaching method (pedagogical approach) provide a description, kinds of outcomes/capabilities for which it is applicable, student activity, teacher activity, mechanism for feedback to students, etc. 
  • For a given teaching method (pedagogical approach) to teaching CS describe an appropriate application for it indicating what grade band(s) and CS subject(s) it may be applicable.
  • Describe the kinds of tools/systems available for teaching and learning computer science giving an example of each. 
  • Given one or more underrepresented groups, identify supportive practices and anti-practices applicable to the group describing the practice and its implementation.
  • Discuss how theories of supportive practices influence the selection of specific teaching methods.



In the previous module I interspersed readings followed by reflections. In this module I'm going to present all the readings first and let you work with them all at once. After that, you will complete six reflection activities. Of course, you are welcome to work on them in any order you feel makes sense for you and your process.




  • Checkpoints 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3
    • For each of three different  CS specific methods you read about (from above) discuss what you learned and how it is might be applied to K12 education.
    • [Not collected. See write-up for explanation why.]



  • Checkpoint 2.4
    • Connecting methods to standards
    • Revisit the CS Standards from Week 1 and consider how these standards can be met through the techniques you read about in the readings.



  • Read
    • Supportive Practices Intro
    • You completed this reading in the spring TLP class. I strongly encourage you to review it under the lens of this module. You don't need to read it in detail. But I encourage you to review it for context.
    •  Produced by the CSEdUNI team, mostly Dr. Diesburg
  • Write
    • Checkpoint 2.5
      • Reflect on which CS teaching methods lend themselves to the "good practices" discussed in our readings about supportive practices.

