CP2.5 - Methods and Supportive Practices


In Teaching and Learning Programming you read about issues of supporting diverse and underrepresented populations in computer science courses. At the time this was meant as an overview of the idea and some initial supportive practices were identified. For this module I asked you to revisit those articles and think about them through a new lens. That is, how do various methods of teaching computer science lend themselves to this broad topic of "supportive practices." This reflection asks you to consider those issues in light of CS teaching methods.



Reflect on your own, typical instructional approaches.

Reflect on the methods you read about in this module.

How well do you think these approaches address issues of supportive practices? Which methods do you think lend themselves to being supportive? Which methods do you feel might NOT lend themselves to issues of supportive practices (or maybe a better way of thinking about it, which methods do you feel will take some extra consideration when dealing with supportive practices?

I don't have a particular style I'm looking for with this reflection. I don't even know if I have "right" and "wrong" answers in mind at this point.

In evaluating this reflection I'm primarily looking at evidence of personal reflection.  I want to see that you are considering how issues of supportive practices do or don't show up in various teaching methods.


