CP2.4 - Methods and Standards


Why are there so many different teaching methods? Part of it is teacher personalities and preferences. But a big part of it is that different standards/outcomes are better suited by different teaching styles. This activity asks you to consider this idea.



Begin this activity by going back and revisiting the CSTA/Iowa CS standards that you read about in the prior module.

For this activity I would like you to reflect on how these standards can be met through the teaching methods (both general and CS specific) that you read about in this module's readings. 

I see a couple of different approaches you can take on writing this reflection. There may be even others I'm not seeing.  You need not follow a prescribed approach.  Instead, I want you to produce a well thought out and well written reflection that connects the standards with teaching methods.

For example, you COULD consider the standards by both grade bands and the five broad concepts and discuss which method(s) seem most appropriate for each sub-category.  Such a discussion would likely include why you feel this way and how the integration would take place.

The complete flip of this would also be quite valid.  That is, you could look at specific teaching methods and draw out which concepts and grade bands you feel that might be most effective in addressing.

Again, I don't even think those are the only two approaches to this reflections.  I want you to address this general reflection in whatever way feels the most natural to YOU.  My only real suggestion is to make sure that you are both wide enough and deep enough in your response(s).  That is, don't get tunnel vision on only one or two grade bands/techniques but also don't turn this in to a simple matching exercise.  Take the time to discuss the connections you are making as far as why and how.


