CP2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 - Methods for Teaching Computer Science


I suspect that much of the reading this week was review for you.  I mean, you all graduated with education degrees and have been actively teaching for a while.   You, in theory at least, understand the concept of teaching methods.  But I include this topic here because I think it is important to periodically revisit teaching methods and to consider how the published research and "best practices" apply and incorporate in to our own classrooms.  I think that we could argue that not every method is appropriate for all teachers and all classrooms.  BUT, I think we could also argue that understanding a variety of methods can allow us to better plan instruction.

In this week's activities I am asking you to review, reflect, and consider a variety of teaching methods - in particular those related to computer science.




This is, in fact, three different, but related assignments. You will submit three different versions of this same activity. For each activity (CP2.1, CP2.2, and CP2.3) pick one of the CS teaching methods you read about in the readings for this module.  For each, prepare a reflection document that:

I say "Ideally" above because I want your reflections to be genuine.  If you only learned 2 things than you only have to list 2 things and not fake a 3rd because I said "3 or more."  However, on the flip side, if you find yourself with only 2 don't be too quick to dismiss this and move on.  This doesn't have to be "perfect" but I would like it to be "authentic" and show good thought (I recognize that isn't a very measurable word - "authentic."  But I suspect you understand what I'm trying to get at).

I have purposefully chosen to list this as three deliverables rather than one larger deliverable in order to emphasize the target amount of reflection I intend in each of these.  It is my fear that bundling this as one deliverable will send the wrong message.  Please give these assignments the amount of reflection intended


