Week 5
Using Lists of Data

Weekly Summary

Sometimes a variable stores a single value. In our previous module

But sometimes we need a variable to store a collection of data rather than a single value.

This week we look at how Scratch manages these collections in a data structure called a "list." To be honest, this topic won't be deeply covered on your first competency demo. HOWEVER< the use of lists will become very important in our unit on Python. So we want to consider it here to help us later.



One more TIPP&SEE activity:


Please watch the following videos which total approximately 60 minutes of "required" plust some Challenge problems.  



Next, I would like you to spend 30 minutes on this non-graded, guided task.  In it you will explore some programs that use lists to see how they work and make some additions/modifications.  I think this is a good practice/transition to your full graded assignment later.


Finally, I would like you to complete the following, graded, homework assignment.