Graded Programming Activity
PA5 - Creating a Trivia Game


Topic Covered



In this activity we would like you to use lists to create some variation on a trivia contest, gameshow, or personality quiz. List are a helpful element of a program like this because you have different types of data

where the position in the list of items organizes what goes together. For example, in our lesson activity we explored creating a state capital trivia game where "Iowa" was the 15th item in the state list and "Des Moines" was the 15th item in the capital list. One could easily imagine a collection of six lists - question, answerA, answerB, answerC, answerD, key. And the 2nd item in these lists might be "Which sport uses a hoop", "Baseball", "Basketball", "Football", "Soccer", and "B" respectively.

While you need not follow this model exactly, in this assignment you will make a "trivia game" with several questions, each of which has several answers to choose from.


To earn a 3



To earn a 4

First, you must make effective use of lists by using one or more loops. If you just have a long sequence of code, you don't understand the benefits of a list.

Second, you must add at least one of the following



Getting Credit

To submit your assignment for peer review you should:

  • Make sure you have met all of the requirements listed above in the grading rubric.
  • "Share" your program publicly on the Scratch website by clicking on the share button in the upper right hand corner of the create screen.
  • Navigate to the studio for this project -
  • Select the "Browse Projects" button at the right edge of the studio page.
  • A list of all of your "shared" programs will appear at the bottom of the screen. Select the assignment that you just completed.