Competency Demo - Programming Difficulties

  1. Pick one of the difficulty issues that you and/or your team discussed this week. 
    • Identify and briefly explain that difficulty. 
      • Discuss an activity, lesson, suggestions, etc. that you could conduct with your students to attempt to teach them to overcome this difficulty (This should be the emphasis of your response and it should be clear WHY this activity helps).
  2. Pick a SECOND and different area of the difficulty issues that you and/or your team discussed this week.
    • Identify and briefly explain that difficulty. 
      • Discuss an activity, lesson, suggestions, etc. that you could conduct with your students to attempt to teach them to overcome this difficulty (This should be the emphasis of your response and it should be clear WHY this activity helps).



This counts as a competency demo in the course. In other words, each question will be assigned a score of 0-4 and an overall grade for the activity will be assigned.

While these questions are somewhat a matter of opinion - that is, they have multiple "right answers" - they can still be graded for competence based on how well you explain and defend your answer(s). Recognize that the degree to which you do so will have an impact on your grade.

Please submit this via Blackboard by the end of the week.