Week 1
Getting Started
Course Intro
Watch this video to introduce the structure and context of this course.- Introductory Video
- I made an adjustment to the schedule after recording this video so the website in the first few minutes of the video doesn't match what you will see. But the video's message is still the same so I'm not going to re-record.
Weekly Coding
You do not need to complete every weekly coding activity to be competent. But, you should make an effort to complete at least half of the assignments over the course of the semester.
Prior to Small Group
- Complete CD1, Identifying your beliefs about Teaching and Learning
- Write a first draft prior to your SG meetup
- Do not to submit on Blackboard until after your SG meetup
- Revise after your SG meetup as this week's CD
- Complete the "Elements of Programming" activity
- This uses the material you submitted for part 2 of the final CD in FOP last semester.
- There is no direct deliverable generated by this. But you will use these ideas with next week's material and competency demo so I want to review it this week.
- You will discuss these ideas at your SG meetup
At the Small Group
At the meetup this week you should
- Discuss what you wrote in your Teaching and Learning reflection [20-30 minutes]
- Identify things you all have in common
- Identify things where you differ from your peers
- Discuss what you wrote in your "Elements of Programming" activity [30-40 minutes]
- Identify things you all have in common
- Identify things where you differ from your peers
After Small Group
- As appropriate you may rewrite your beliefs about Teaching and Learning
- Submit the final version of your on Blackboard
- This is your weekly Competency Demo (0-4 pts).