Reflection Techniques
Go back through the notes that you created as you completed the weekly readings. Then, to help you start to make sense of the week's readings as a whole, I would like you to summarize by writing about:
- Discuss THREE new ideas that stood out to you as you completed the readings.
- Discuss TWO things that you already knew about but that were deepened or reinforced as you completed the readings.
- Discuss ONE question you would still want answered or would like to discuss in small group.
Note, it is acceptable to deviate slightly from these numbers - in particular in the upwards direction. But it is very possible that a particular topic is very familiar to you and you don't have three new ideas (although in that case you, perhaps, have more than two things that deepened or reinforced your previous knowledge). Similarly, you may have more than one question. But by encouraging yourself to BEGIN by considering 3-2-1, you start to engage with the material in a more meaningful way.
Go back through the notes that you created as you completed the weekly readings and consider the things that most stand out to you from each of the topics/sections that you read. Then, to help you start to make sense of the week's readings as a whole, I would like you to summarize by writing about:- Make a list of the five most important "ideas" from this week's readings.
- RANK them in importance from #5 (least important of the list) to #1 (most important of the list).
- EXPLAIN why you think each element is important and why it has the ranking that it does on your personal list.
Go back through the notes that you created as you completed the weekly readings. Then, to help you start to make sense of the week's readings as a whole, I would like you to summarize by writing about:- Discuss what you think was the MOST important idea you read about and why? [You can choose more than one. But this should be a limited list]
- Discuss something you AGREE with and why.
- Discuss something you do NOT agree with and why.
- Discuss something you found INTERESTING and why[maybe something you hadn't ever thought about before or something you think could completely change the way you teach].
- Discuss something you found CONFUSING. If you have a specific questions, ask it. If you are just generally confused, try to explain what is confusing.