Rules/Information for the findEaster() function


Holly Day is in charge of scheduling special events at the local nursing home. She can never remember when Easter happens. It turns out that there is a formula that tells us the date of Easter.  For any year from 1900 to 2099 the date (in April or March) is calculated from:

    easter = 22 + d + e

In addition, if the year is 1954, 1981, 2049, or 2076 you have to subtract 7 from that final number.

[NOTE: This looks complicated, but all you have to do is copy this in to your program to use it.  You don't need to understand HOW it works.]

The number that this formula produces represents the number of days after the end of February.  Thus:

  • an answer of 1 would mean March 1st
  • an answer of 31 would mean March 31st
  • an answer of 32 would mean April 1st
  • an answer of 61 would mean April 30th [Hint, notice this math/relationship?]


Write a Python function that conforms to the following

  • Function name
    • findEaster()
  • Parameter(s)
    • year
  • Return value
    • a String representing the Month and date of Easter based on the formula from above