Unit 2 Partners
NP means no preference was expressed and a participant is a "free agent." Feel free to reach out to people who are NP is you want to form a grouping.
Grouping | CoP AEA | Email Address | First Name | Last Name | School District |
GW-1 | Grant Wood | barbouroske.dawn@iowacityschools.org | Dawn | BarbouRoske | Iowa City Community School District |
GW-1 | Grant Wood | farnsworth.sarah@iowacityschools.org | Sarah | Farnsworth | Iowa City Community School District |
GW-2 | Grant Wood | p_breitbach@union.k12.ia.us | Pat | Breitbach | Union Community School District |
GW-2 | Grant Wood | stacimdvorak@gmail.com | Staci | Dvorak (Novak) | Cedar Rapids Community School District |
GW-3 | Grant Wood | lcadien@cpuschools.org | Leslie | Cadien | Center Point-Urbana |
GW-3 | Grant Wood | akress@cpuschools.org | Amanda | Kress | Center Point Urbana |
GW-4 | Grant Wood | acretin@benton.k12.ia.us | Aaron | Cretin | Benton Community |
GW-4 | Grant Wood | kaseyhullett@gmail.com | Kasey | Hullett | Benton Community |
GW-5 | Grant Wood | mhasken-averkamp@gwaea.org | Maria | Hasken-Averkamp | GWAEA |
GW-5 | Grant Wood | mstern@sjcsmarion.org | Mark | Stern | Dubuque Archdiocese |
GW-6 | Grant Wood | mirandakral@gmail.com | Miranda | Kral | Clear Creek Amana |
GW-6 | Grant Wood | jstanerson@mvcsd.org | Jennifer | Stanerson | Mount Vernon CSD |
GW-7 | Grant Wood | bridget.lemker@xaviersaints.org | Bridget | Lemker | Xavier Catholic Schools |
GW-7 | Grant Wood | denisemventeicher@gmail.com | Denise | Venteicher | Xavier High School |
GW-8 | Grant Wood | metz.pete@iowacityschools.org | Peter | Metz | Iowa City Community School District |
GW-8 | Grant Wood | reisdorph.sarah@iowacityschools.org | Sarah | Reisdorph | Iowa City Community School District |
GW-9 | Grant Wood | jlensch@north-cedarstu.org | Jenny | Lensch | North Cedar |
GW-9 | Grant Wood | srepko@regisroyals.org | Susan | Repko | Xavier Catholic Schools - Cedar Rapids |
GW-10 | Grant Wood | andsmith@crschools.us | Andrew | Smith | Cedar Rapids Community School District |
GW-10 | Grant Wood | esmith@stpiusxschoolcr.com | Emily | Smith | Xavier Catholic Schools |
GW-11 | Grant Wood | jthompson@brooklyn.k12.ia.us | Jamie | Thompson | BGM Community School District |
GW-11 | Grant Wood | JodiLynThom@gmail.com | Jodi | Thompson | Cedar Falls |
GW-12 | Grant Wood | lynn.gerbig@cfschools.org | Lynn | Gerbig | Cedar Falls |
GW-12 | Grant Wood | tj.warren@uni.edu | Torrence (TJ) | Warren | Cedar Falls Community School District |
GW-13 | Grant Wood | michellehalac@cpuschools.org | Michelle | Halac | Center Point-Urbana |
GW-13 | Grant Wood | tlittle@cpuschools.org | Trish | Little | Center Point Urbana |
GW-14 | Grant Wood | anderson.heidi@iowacityschools.org | Heidi | Anderson | Iowa City CSD |
GW-14 | Grant Wood | monique.cottman@gmail.com | Monique | Cottman | Iowa City Community School District |
NP | Grant Wood | atursi@marion-isd.org | Amy | Tursi | Marion Independent School District |
NP | Grant Wood | n8whipple@gmail.com | Nathan | Whipple | NA |
Solo | Grant Wood | morris.jeff@iowacityschools.org | Jeffrey | Morris | Iowa City Community School District |
Solo | Grant Wood | johnpetrzelka@ccaschools.org | John | Petrzelka | Clear Creek Amana School District |
Solo | Grant Wood | dverge@cpuschools.org | Doug | Verge | Center Point Urbana |
GP-1 | Great Prairie | ryan.conrad@centervillek12.org | Ryan | Conrad | Centerville |
GP-1 | Great Prairie | mckinleydlain@gmail.com | McKinley | Lain | Centerville Community School District |
GP-2 | Great Prairie | heather.davis@keokukschools.org | Heather | Davis | Keokuk |
GP-2 | Great Prairie | shelby.moss@keokukschools.org | Shelby | Moss | Keokuk Community School District |
GP-3 | Great Prairie | nicole.dobson@bcsds.org | Nicole | Dobson | Burlington Community School District |
GP-3 | Great Prairie | hhayes31@gapps.bcsds.org | Heather | Hayes | Burlington Community School District |
GP-4 | Great Prairie | eastinkat@gmail.com | Katherine (Katie) | Eastin | Burlington Community Schools |
GP-4 | Great Prairie | ashley.iehl14@gmail.com | Ashley | Iehl-Brown | Burlington Notre Dame |
GP-5 | Great Prairie | caylon.devaul@wacocsd.org | Caylon | DeVaul | WACO CSD |
GP-5 | Great Prairie | michelle.wade@wacocsd.org | Michelle | Wade | WACO Community School District |
NP | Great Prairie | ian.blanchard@fmcsd.org | Ian | Blanchard | Fort Madison |
NP | Great Prairie | carterb@mepoedu.org | Ben | Carter | Mediapolis |
NP | Great Prairie | nathan.clemens@alumni.ou.edu | Nathan | Clemens | Ottumwa community school district |
NP | Great Prairie | tyler.cregger@vbcwarriors.org | Tyler | Cregger | Van Buren County Community School District |
NP | Great Prairie | lisa.massey@centervillek12.org | Lisa | Massey | Centerville |
NP | Great Prairie | wyantt.may@nlcsd.org | Wyantt | May | New London Community School District |
NP | Great Prairie | jason.mccollum@wbschools.us | Jason | McCollum | West Burlington Independent School District |
NP | Great Prairie | betsy.wolf@bcsds.org | Betsy | Wolf | Burlington Community School District |
Solo | Great Prairie | kkoller@centrallee.org | Katie | Koller | Central Lee CSD |
GH-1 | Green Hills | jdodson@atlanticiaschools.org | Jill | Dodson | Atlantic Community School District |
GH-1 | Green Hills | mharringa@atlanticiaschools.org | Macie | Harringa | Atlantic Community School District |
GH-1 | Green Hills | breinig@atlanticiaschools.org | Becci | Reinig | Atlantic Community |
GH-2 | Green Hills | sharris@woodbine.k12.ia.us | Shawna | Harris | Woodbine Community School District |
GH-2 | Green Hills | bsmith@lewiscentral.org | Beth | Smith | Lewis Central |
GH-3 | Green Hills | jjohnston@ikm-manning.k12.ia.us | Jill | Johnston | IKM-Manning |
GH-3 | Green Hills | jmckinney@lamonischools.org | Jennifer | McKinney | Lamoni Community School District |
GH-4 | Green Hills | kyleigh.kumm@hcsdcyclones.com | Kyleigh | Kumm | Harlan Community School District |
GH-4 | Green Hills | hlumbard@crestonschools.org | Heidi | Lumbard | Creston Community Schools |
GH-5 | Green Hills | rknight@emschools.org | Rachael | Knight | East Mills CSD |
GH-5 | Green Hills | lmitchell@emschools.org | Lisa | MItchell | East Mills |
GH-6 | Green Hills | thomasnic@glenwoodschools.org | Nicole | Thomas | Glenwood Community Schools |
GH-6 | Green Hills | visserc@glenwoodschools.org | Chris | Visser | Glenwood Community School District |
Solo | Green Hills | jenniferburn@bedford.k12.ia.us | Jennifer | Burn | Bedford CSD |
Solo | Green Hills | hlundquist@ghaea.org | Heather | Lundquist | Green Hills AEA |
HL-1 | Heartland | khager@nevadacubs.org | Kaylee | Hager | Nevada School District |
HL-1 | Heartland | heidi.reichart@ankenyschools.org | Heidi | Reichart | Ankeny Community School District |
HL-2 | Heartland | koltonboyer@gmail.com | Kolton | Boyer | Waukee Community School District |
HL-2 | Heartland | mike.radue@ankenyschools.org | Mike | Radue | Ankeny Schools |
HL-3 | Heartland | dafineran@kuemper.org | Dena | Fineran | Carroll |
HL-3 | Heartland | scot.surprenant@gmail.com | Scot | Surprenant | Des Moines Public School District |
HL-4 | Heartland | ronda.mccarthy@dcgschools.com | Ronda | McCarthy | Dallas Center Grimes Schools |
HL-4 | Heartland | tmacrunnel@hotmail.com | Tamara | Norman | Southeast Valley |
HL-5 | Heartland | mpcaffrey@gmail.com | Matthew | Caffrey | Diocese of Des Moines |
HL-5 | Heartland | angie.davis@rocketsk12.org | Angela | Davis | Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont CSD |
HL-5 | Heartland | spiesr@uni.edu | Ranen | Spies | Marshalltown |
HL-6 | Heartland | megan.fontanini@dmschools.org | Megan | Fontanini | Des Moines |
HL-6 | Heartland | hhannahhapp@gmail.com | Hannah | Happ | Martensdale St. Mary School District |
HL-7 | Heartland | amanda.mcdivitt@g.perry.k12.ia.us | Amanda | McDivitt | Perry |
HL-7 | Heartland | samantha.rae.johnson@gmail.com | Samantha | Smith | Woodward-Granger CSD |
NP | Heartland | ebrott@htschool.org | Elizabeth | Brott | Holy Trinity Catholic (Des Moines) |
NP | Heartland | jtclark96@gmail.com | Jayden | Clark | Southeast Polk |
NP | Heartland | nichole.foxhoven@gmail.com | Nichole | Foxhoven | Des Moines Public Library/Des Moines Public Schools |
NP | Heartland | gillaspiesamantha@gmail.com | Samantha | Gillaspie | Knoxville Community School District |
NP | Heartland | memcfate@s-tama.k12.ia.us | Morgan | McFate | South Tama County Community School District |
NP | Heartland | dstevens@hdcsd.org | Daniel | Stevens | Hampton-Dumont CSD |
Solo | Heartland | matt.dohlman@admschools.org | Matt | Dohlman | Adel-DeSoto-Minburn |
Solo | Heartland | bjohnson@bergmanacademy.org | Brian | Johnson | Bergman Academy, Des Moines, IA |
KS-1 | Keystone | jdrucker@swinn.k12.ia.us | Jason | Drucker | South Winneshiek Community School District |
KS-1 | Keystone | kari.straube@swinn.k12.ia.us | Kari | Straube | South Winneshiek |
KS-2 | Keystone | ljohansen@turkey-v.k12.ia.us | Lezley | Johansen | Turkey Valley Community School District |
KS-2 | Keystone | mnystel@turkey-v.k12.ia.us | Michelle | Nystel | Turkey Valley Community School |
KS-3 | Keystone | peggy.keegan@wdbqschools.org | Peggy | Keegan | Western Dubuque Community Schools |
KS-3 | Keystone | awillenborg@aquin.org | Andrea | Willenborg | Archdiocese of Dubuque |
KS-4 | Keystone | hkruse@edge-cole.k12.ia.us | Hayle | Kruse | Edgewood - Colesburg Community School District |
KS-4 | Keystone | Megan | Koehn | Edgewood - Colesburg Community School District | |
KS-5 | Keystone | seanmorley@dbqschools.org | Sean | Morley | Dubuque CSD |
KS-5 | Keystone | tnorthouse@dbqschools.org | Theressa | Northouse | Dubuque Community Schools |
KS-6 | Keystone | jwemark@central.k12.ia.us | Jenna | Wemark | Central Community School District |
KS-6 | Keystone | twilwert@central.k12.ia.us | Thomas | Wilwert | Central Community School District (Elkader) |
NP | Keystone | c_bridges@new-hampton.k12.ia.us | Christine | Bridges | New Hampton CSD |
NP | Keystone | marymargarethayes@gmail.com | Mary | Carroll | Maquoketa Valley CSD |
NP | Keystone | kdavis@edge-cole.k12.ia.us | Kaydian | Davis | Edgewood–Colesburg Community School District |
NP | Keystone | mgearhart@oelwein.k12.ia.us | Michelle | Gearhart | Oelwein |
NP | Keystone | rihefel@holyfamilydbq.org | Rick | Hefel | holy family |
NP | Keystone | mjohnson@edge-cole.k12.ia.us | Megan | Johnson | Edgewood Colesburg CSD |
NP | Keystone | Perrykes@gmail.com | Perry | Kessel | Howard-Winneshiek |
NP | Keystone | aknox@starmont.k12.ia.us | Amanda | Knox | Starmont |
NP | Keystone | jmalcom@holyfamily.dbq.pvt.k12.ia.us | Jenni | Malcom | Holy Family Schools, Dubuque |
NP | Keystone | cnessan@holyfamilydbq.org | Connie | Nessan | Holy Family Dubuque |
NP | Keystone | erik.peterson@mflmm.k12.ia.us | Erik | Peterson | MFLMARMAC |
NP | Keystone | kpopenhagen@edge-cole.k12.ia.us | Kaelyn | Popenhagen | Edgewood-Colesburg |
NP | Keystone | schaufenbuelb@gmail.com | Bridget | Schaufenbuel | Clayton Ridge Community School District |
MB-1 | Mississippi Bend | joslynpj@gmail.com | Pamela | Joslyn | Muscatine Community School District |
MB-1 | Mississippi Bend | kuocab@uni.edu | ChianYu (Heidi) | Kuo | Muscatine School District |
MB-1 | Mississippi Bend | korine.schlawin@mcsdonline.org | Korine | Schlawin | Muscatine |
MB-2 | Mississippi Bend | evan.haan@csdkq.org | Evan | Haan | Clinton Community School District |
MB-2 | Mississippi Bend | zach.lemke@csdkq.org | Zachary | Lemke | Clinton Community School District |
NP | Mississippi Bend | baileylarissa@pleasval.org | Larissa | Bailey | Pleasant Valley Community School District |
NP | Mississippi Bend | robyn515a@gmail.com | Robyn | Ceurvorst | Olin Consolidated School District |
NP | Mississippi Bend | bhamilton@maquoketaschools.org | Brandi | Hamilton | Maquoketa Community School District |
NP | Mississippi Bend | eric.jennings@northeastcsd.org | Eric | Jennings | Northeast Community School District |
NP | Mississippi Bend | kissackd@davenportschools.org | David | Kissack | Davenport Community School District |
NP | Mississippi Bend | petersaimee@pleasval.org | Aimee | Peters | Pleasant Valley Community Schools |
NP | Mississippi Bend | petersoncassidy@pleasval.org | Cassidy | Peterson | Pleasant Valley School District |
NP | Mississippi Bend | danielle.reagle@csdkq.org | Danielle | Reagle | Clinton |
Solo | Mississippi Bend | jessicalgiovannini@gmail.com | Jessica | Giovannini | Mississippi Bend AEA |
PL-1 | Prairie Lakes | aspooner@okobojischools.org | Alex | Spooner | Okoboji Community School District |
PL-1 | Prairie Lakes | kzankowski@spirit-lake.k12.ia.us | Kyle | Zankowski | Spirit Lake Community School District |
PL-2 | Prairie Lakes | mstein@algona.k12.ia.us | Matt | Stein | Algona Community School District |
PL-2 | Prairie Lakes | btrierweiler@siouxcentral.org | Brent | Trierweiler | Sioux Central CSD |
PL-3 | Prairie Lakes | mrasmussen@algona.k12.ia.us | Megan | Rasmussen | Algona Community School District |
PL-3 | Prairie Lakes | bianca_webber@s-hamilton.k12.ia.us | Bianca | Webber | South Hamilton |
NP | Prairie Lakes | makenzie.wolter@thegenerals.org | Makenzie | Brockshus | Sibley-Ocheyedan Community School District |
NP | Prairie Lakes | jen.hansen@nuwarriors.org | Jennifer | Hansen | North Kossuth Community School District |
NP | Prairie Lakes | kylehauenstein@gmail.com | Kyle | Hauenstein | Burlington Communit School District |
NP | Prairie Lakes | prezabek@spencerschools.org | Phaedra | Rezabek | Spencer Community Schools |
NP | Prairie Lakes | dschnell@pocahontas.k12.ia.us | Dominic | Schnell | Pocahontas Area Community School District |
NP | Prairie Lakes | atew@clargold.org | Andrew | Tew | Clarion Goldfield Dows |
NP | Prairie Lakes | robertvphd@gmail.com | Robert | Von Der Becke | Storm Lake or Buena Vista |
NP | Prairie Lakes | jpwhiteqt@gmail.com | Jeanette | White | Prairie Lakes AEA |
Solo | Prairie Lakes | sabrinabooth@lm.k12.ia.us | Sabrina | Booth | Laurens-Marathon |