Chapter 4 - Networking and the Internet

General Outcomes

  • Explain how a network consists of a number of autonomous systems communicating through established protocols.
    • Identify and define the main components and terminology of computer networks.

  • Explain how the Internet consists of multiple networks connected together through packet switching.
    • Identify and define the main components and terminology of the Internet.
    • Explain the abstractions in the Internet and how the Internet functions.

  • Describe how the Web is an example protocol used on the Internet that displays web pages in a client-server model.
    • Identify and define the main components and terminology of the World Wide Web.

  • Explain how cybersecurity is an important concern for networks and the software that is built on them.
    • Identify cybersecurity concerns concerning networks and users.

  • Consider how the implementation of networks and software that is built on them can have important societal and ethical concerns.
    • Discuss ethical issues when networks or network software fail to do what the user intends them to do.


Learning Objectives

By the end of this unit students should be able to:

  • Define both LAN and WAN.
  • In a description of two connected networks identify which is the LAN and which is the WAN.
  • Provide the definition of a [bridge | repeater |switch |router |access point].
  • Given a description of a network and a particular piece of hardware, identify it as a [bridge | repeater |switch |router |access point].
  • Explain the generic concept of a network protocol and its role in network communication.
  • Explain [Client-server | Peer-to-peer] communication.
  • Compare and contrast client-server vs peer-to-peer communication.
  • Explain the client/server relationship and identify key differences between the client and the server.
  • Briefly explain the use of a [distributed system | computer cluster | grid computer | cloud computer].
  • Explain the difference between "the Internet" and "the World Wide Web."
  • Explain the difference between the internet and an intranet.
  • Define and explain a/an [ISP | tier-1 ISP | tier-2 ISP].
  • Given a URL, identify the [directory path| domain name (host)| document name | protocol | top-level domain ]
  • Identify and explain at least three internet applications.
  • Explain the role of Domain Name Server (DNS).
  • Identify and explain at least three internet servers.
  • Give a general explanation of how a web page is requested/received by a web browser.
  • Explain the concept of ports in internet traffic.
  • Explain the difference between TCP and UDP and why we want (need) both.
  • Define the following cybersecurity issues:
    • malware
    • virus
    • worm
    • Trojan horse
    • spyware
    • phishing
    • denial of service
  • Given a specific scenario, classify it as one of the previous security issues.
  • Given a specific security issue, identify ways to protect against that issue.
  • Explain how a firewall helps protect a computer.