Topic 4c
Internet Protocols

Learning Objectives

By the end of this topic students should be able to:

  • Give a general explanation of how a web page is requested/received by a web browser.
  • Explain the concept of ports in internet traffic.
  • Explain the difference between TCP and UDP and why we want (need) both.


Learning Materials

  • Readings
    • Section 4.4 - pp 215-222 in your book


Checking for Understanding

Answer the following questions from your textbook. The answers to all Q&E questions are in the back of your book in Appendix F.

  • p 222, #2
  • p 222, #3
  • What network traffic is generated when you type a URL into your browser to load a webpage?


Answers & Guidance

The answers to the CFU questions above are provided in the back of the book. The following videos explain how we would arrive at some of those answers.