Topic 4a
Networking Fundamentals

Learning Objectives

By the end of this topic students should be able to:

  • Define both LAN and WAN.
  • In a description of two connected networks identify which is the LAN and which is the WAN.
  • Provide the definition of a [bridge | repeater |switch |router |access point].
  • Given a description of a network and a particular piece of hardware, identify it as a [bridge | repeater |switch |router |access point].
  • Explain the generic concept of a network protocol and its role in network communication.
  • Explain [Client-server | Peer-to-peer] communication.
  • Compare and contrast client-server vs peer-to-peer communication.
  • Explain the client/server relationship and identify key differences between the client and the server.
  • Briefly explain the use of a [distributed system | computer cluster | grid computer | cloud computer].


Learning Materials

Checking for Understanding

Answer the following questions from your textbook. The answers to all Q&E questions are in the back of your book in Appendix F.

  • pp 194, #1
  • pp 194, #2
  • pp 194, #3
  • pp 194, #4
  • pp 194, #5
  • pp 194, #6


Answers & Guidance

The answers to the CFU questions above are provided in the back of the book. The following videos explain how we would arrive at some of those answers.

Further Information

If you understand this material and are using this in your own courses, you might find the following material beneficial. This material is a supplement to this course and your understanding of this is not assessed.