Chapter 3 - Operating Systems

General Outcomes

  • Apply understanding of the role and functioning of operating systems to a variety of situations in both CS classroom and daily life, e.g.,
    • Describe computer activity necessary to accomplish some particular goal, e.g., read data from a file, stream a video, etc.
    • Explain how computers can seem to be doing more than one task at a time.
    • Formulate a hypothesis that would explain a computer system's, perhaps unexpected, behavior.

  • Apply an understanding of the role and functioning of operating systems to a variety of security and societal issues, e.g.,
    • Identify a variety of security threats that operating systems can mitigate and identify how that is done.
    • Discuss user responsibilities with respect to protecting the computer systems they use, particularly when other users may be impacted.
    • Analyze a given issue to formulate responsibility and liability of various stakeholders, i.e., CPU suppliers, computer/device suppliers, government, and users/consumers.


Learning Objectives

By the end of this unit students should be able to:

  • Given one of the following vocabulary words, give a brief definition of the term and how the item applies in the normal operation of an operating system.
    • Job
    • Queue
    • First-in, first out (FIFO)
    • Interactive Processing
    • Real-time processing
    • Time-sharing
    • Multiprogramming
    • Multitasking
    • Application software
    • System software
    • User Interface (Graphical User Interface)
    • Shell
    • Kernel
    • Window manager
    • File manager
    • Memory manager
    • Directory (folder)
    • Device driver
    • Scheduler
    • Dispatcher
    • Read-only memory
    • Boot Loader (Boot-strapping)

  • Explain how a historical batch processing system functioned, using the appropriate vocabulary terms from the chapter.
  • Explain how a modern multi-tasking system functions, using the appropriate vocabulary terms from the chapter.
  • Given a particular task performed by the computer, identify which part(s) of the operating system would be responsible for the task.
  • Given one of the following vocabulary words, give a brief definition of the term and how the item applies in the normal operation of an operating system.
    • Time slice
    • Process (context) switch
    • Interrupt
    • Semaphore
    • Critical Region
    • Mutual Exclusion
    • Deadlock
  • Explain the concept of a process in modern operating systems.
  • Identify several of the challenges and/or concerns when working with a modern multi-process system when it comes to competition for shared resources.
  • Discuss the conditions necessary for deadlock to occur.
  • Discuss methods modern operating systems employ to avoid deadlock.
  • Identify existing cybersecurity concerns and the modern operating system security features designed to guard against them.
  • Given one of the following vocabulary words, give a brief definition of the term and how the item applies in the normal operation of an operating system.
    • Super user (administrator)
    • Privilege levels
    • Privileged instructions
  • Discuss good password management techniques.
  • Explain Muti-factor Authentication and why it helps with security.