Chapter 2 and 3 - Social and Ethical Issues

It is crucial that we include discussions about social and ethical issues in computing in our classrooms. These issues are a major element of both the K-12 CS Framework and Iowa's K-12 CS standards.

This is a thought/discussion activity and not something to be turned in. Read the following carefully and be prepared to discuss with your peers at the next CoP event.



Technology and computing systems play an increasingly significant role in our daily lives. As our world becomes more reliant on technology, it is vital to ensure that not only the creators but also the users of technology understand the ethical implications of their decisions. From issues related to privacy, security, and algorithmic bias to concerns about the impact of automation on employment and the environment, there are numerous ethical and social considerations that must be taken into account. Teaching about these issues helps students develop a deeper understanding of the broader impacts of computing and empowers them to make informed decisions about the technologies they create and use. Moreover, it also helps to foster a more responsible and inclusive computing culture that prioritizes the well-being of individuals and society as a whole.

Each unit we will spend some time considering social and ethical issues related to the material in the chapter(s). We will present several scenarios that we ask you to consider and be prepared to discuss in small groups at the Community of Practice events. When reflecting on each scenario we encourage you to begin by writing down several elements for discussion.

  1. Who are the various stakeholders in this scenario?
    • Don't stop after the obvious. At first glance this might be a list of who might be at "fault." But you also should include who along the way might have been in a position to check up on those at fault and failed to do so, as well as those who have been impacted by the decisions of others.
  2. What elements in the scenario were places where "poor" decisions may have been made?
  3. Were the "poor" decisions made in good faith or from a place of good intentions, or were they made from a place of laziness or cost savings?
  4. What different decisions could have been made? What might have been the reasoning behind NOT making these decisions?
  5. What elements of the unit you just completed are factors in this scenario. [Why did we write about this scenario here rather than elsewhere?]

After you complete this list, begin to formulate some opinions about what is going on in the given scenario and, where appropriate, who is "at fault."

NOTE: Every time we teach this class there are some participants who take this activity too legally and too literally. They want to argue that they aren't a lawyer and shouldn't be asked to give legal opinions. Or, they rush out to google and try to find out the results of any court case from a similar scenario. That is missing the point of this activity. This activity is intended to get you thinking about the decisions we make and the impacts of making them. Nothing more. Nothing less.


  • Scenario #1
    • Most people do not design, build, maintain, or fix computer systems when problems arise.  Should a person understand the internal workings of a computer?
    • Does the person's job make a difference, e.g., one who works in networking, a more general computer science professional, a teacher of high school computer science, a high school social studies teacher, a high school music teacher, a member of the US congress who will make law about technology?  
    • Identify likely considerations for examining this issue .
  • Scenario #2
    • In 2021, Operating Systems researchers at the University of Minnesota were baned from further contributions to the open-source Linux Operating System after it was determined that they had purposefully submitted bad code in an effort to demonstrate how bad actors could hack the Linux system. Read about this story here:
    • Do you feel that the researcher at the Uof M was in error here?
      • If so, why? What could/should he have done differently.
      • If not, why? What factors lead you to this conclusion?
  • Scenario #3
    • Suppose that a flaw in an operating system’s security allows a malicious programmer to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data, to what extent should the developer of the operating system be held responsible?
  • Scenario #4
    • Commercial airliners and modern cars run entirely at the operating system and driver code level.  They interface with the system and expect the system to take control if an unsafe situation is detected.  For example, a car may take control to keep a driver from drifting out of their lane, and an airplane may take corrective action not to stall if it notices the airplane has too steep of an angle.  Unfortunately, this type of corrective action may still occur even if sensors are malfunctioning, causing loss of life.  (See Boeing 737 MAX) 
    • Explain the tradeoffs between the plane/vehicle taking automatic corrective action versus only displaying a warning. 
      • When is one appropriate over another? 
      • Does your answer change if there is a sensor malfunction? How would we detect such a problem?