Topic 11f
Robotics, Considering the Consequences

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this topic students should be able to:

  • Describe potential positive and negative consequences of AI on society and the economy, including its impact on employment and privacy.
  • Discuss the ethical implications of AI including issues related to bias and responsibility.


Learning Materials

  • Readings
    • Sections 11.6 and 7 - pp 598-605 in your book
  • Videos
    • Crash Course Computing #40 - The Future of Computing
      • This video starts out with a tone that assumes you have watched the entire series up to this point. You haven't.
      • It also talks makes statements that "AI can't XXX" that has actually shifted quite a bit since the video was produced six or more years ago.
      • But having said that, the points that the video are trying to make about adapting to AI as a new tool are still incredibly accurate.
    • Crash Course AI #18 - Algorithmic Bias and Fairness
      • This is a really important set of ideas that are easy to dismiss on the surface but are essential as we wrap up this course.
  • Optional Videos
    • Crash Course AI #20 - The Future of Artificial Intelligence
      • This won't directly answer the questions in the CFU below. But it may help you frame your own thoughts.


Checking for Understanding

Answer the following questions from your textbook.

  • p605, #1
  • p605, #2
  • p605, #3

These are similar to the "social impacts" problems we have looked at in previous chapters in that they have no definitive right/wrong answers. BUT, can you write a meaningful response using the considerations from the chapter as part of the response.

  • Give an example of a situation where an AI could learn human bias. Discuss how AI researchers could attempt to mitigate that bias as the AI learns.
    • Potential examples include facial recognition, deciding



Answers & Guidance

The answers to the CFU questions above are provided in the back of the book. We do not feel that additional video explanations are helpful for these questions. However, if you are still confused or have additional questions, please feel free to reach out to us.