Topic 11e
Artificial Neural Networks

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this topic students should be able to:

  • Explain the concept of a perceptron.
  • Given a simple perceptron model and set of inputs, identify the output of the perceptron.
  • Given a simple perceptron model, explain the function of the perceptron (explain its outputs).
  • Explain how multiple perceptrons are combined to form an artificial neural network (ANN).


Learning Materials

Checking for Understanding

Answer the following questions from your textbook. The answers to all Q&E questions are in the back of your book in Appendix F.

  • p 597, #1
  • p 598, #2


Answers & Guidance

  • NA

Further Information

  • Crash Course AI #3 - Neural Networks and Deep Learning
    • We think it is helpful to watch the big picture portion through the 5:55 point.
    • Feel free to watch the remainder of the video if you are finding this interesting and helpful, but this is not required.
    Crash Course AI #4 - Training Neural Networks
    • This video explains how neural networks actually get trained. It's a bit mathy (more so than we feel you need for the learning outcomes in this course). But it does a great job of explaining this material at a level that even your high school students could understand.
  • Crash Course AI #5 - You can train a Neural Network to read your handwriting
    • This video introduces a Colab Program that you can use to actually train a neural network. If you don't know anything about programming, this is way too much. But if you know a little bit you (or your students) might be able to do some pretty cool things with this.
  • Crash Course AI #6 - Unsupervised Learning
    • In some ways this general topic could have happened as part of Topic 11c. But, this video frames it in the context of Neural Networks. So we put it here instead.
  • If you feel like you would benefit from hearing/seeing some of this again, but in a different way, we highly suggest these videos: