Chapter 1 - Data Storage, part a

General Outcomes

This chapter is "long." So to make it more manageable, we have divided into two sections and test over them separately.
  • Recognize that the fundamental building blocks of computers are logic gates and, given their inputs, be able to determine the output of a simple collection of gates.

  • Apply an understanding of how computers represent various kinds of values to a variety of situations in both a CS classroom and daily life, e.g.,
    • Explain bits and bytes and how they are organized.
    • Given an encoding type (base-ten, hexadecimal, or simple floating point), translate a bit-string into its corresponding value .


Learning Objectives

By the end of this week students should be able to:

  • Explain the general functionality of a(n) [AND | OR | NOT | XOR] gate.
  • Given two inputs to an [AND | OR | XOR] gate, identify the output of the gate.
  • Given one input to a NOT gate, identify the output of the gate.
  • Given up to three inputs to a circuit consisting of a combination of up to three gates, identify the output of the circuit.
  • Convert a binary representation (unsigned integer) to its equivalent base ten value.
  • Convert a base ten value to its binary equivalent (unsigned integer).
  • Convert a length 4 binary representation (unsigned integer) to its equivalent hexadecimal value.
  • Convert a hexadecimal value to its binary equivalent (unsigned integer).
  • Calculate how many unique values can be stored in N bits.
  • Convert a length 8 bit-string into its decimal/fractional equivalent assuming the first four bits store the integer, and the second four bits store the fraction.
  • Explain how a computer stores decimal numbers in the floating-point format using [8 | 32] bits.