Topic 1g
Compression Methods

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this topic students should be able to:

  • Define [Lossy | Lossless] compression.
  • Explain the difference between Lossy/Lossless compression.
  • Give an example of a Lossy Compression technique and explain how it works.
  • Give an example of a Lossless Compression technique and explain how it works.


Learning Materials

Checking for Understanding

  • You are welcome to consider the Q&E problems on page 83. However, these do not align with our learning outcomes so do not use a failure as meaning you are in trouble.
  • Give an example of a lossless compression technique (either specific or generic). Explain how it works and why it is a lossless technique.
  • Give an example of a lossy compression technique (either specific or generic). Explain how it works and why we don't care that it is lossy.


Further Information

  • This goes well beyond what you need to know about compression for this class, but this article/tool can help you explore and, maybe, better understand, how compression works for jpegs. Try out a few of their suggestions for changes to explore the system.