Final Competency Demo, part A

The goal of this activity is to allow each student to demonstrate their learning and and understanding of this course with respect to programming.

Your task is to respond to each of the items provided below. I recommend that you review course activities and material to determine whether/how it applies to the items.

The Items

  1. What is programming? Include examples and non-examples that illustrate your thinking. (Non-examples should involve computer use but not programming.)
  2. Identify and describe the fundamentals of programming/coding—language concepts.
  3. Discuss additional aspects of programming (beyond the fundamentals addressed above) that are necessary to effectively design and develop good computer programs.
  4. What insights have you gained into programming that have not been addressed in the items above? If you can think of no such insights, describe your growth as a programmer during this course and the previous one

Note: This is four very distinct questions and you should give each the time and effort necessary to reflect a semester's worth of learning.



The final CD is due Friday, May 10 by 11:59 PM.  You should submit using the appropriate link on Blackboard.

If you have questions, please contact me.



Your responses will be evaluated primarily on whether they included a reasonable number of elements in a manner that illustrates understanding and appropriate application of ideas. Correct/appropriate understanding of course material will also be assessed as will general communication (spelling, grammar, sentence formation, paragraph formation, etc.). The following overall rubric will be used.

4 pts = Good to Excellent 3 pts = Okay to Good 2 pts = Marginal 1 pts = Lacking
All of the following apply:
  • Reasonable number of ideas
  • All ideas appropriate to topic
  • All ideas correctly understood
  • Few, if any, issues with/in communication
One or two of the following apply:
  • Too few ideas were included
  • Some idea not appropriate to topic
  • Some idea not correctly understood
  • Noticeable number of issues with/in communication
Three or four of the following apply:
  • Too few ideas were included
  • Some idea not appropriate to topic
  • Some idea not correctly understood
  • Noticeable number of issues with/in communication
Two or more of the following apply:
  • Few ideas were included
  • Multiple ideas not appropriate to topic
  • Multiple ideas not correctly understood
  • Communication was problematic