Individual Assessment #4 - Grading




It is hard to give a "competency demo" over the material from a project like this. You have not really learned new material that I am trying to assess whether you have mastered (although you, in fact, may have learned quite a bit more about what it means to design curriculum which is one of the outcomes from earlier).  In that regard, it doesn't really fit a traditional "competency demo"

However, I still need to assess whether you are moving forward with learning for this course and, specifically, for the material about course design. 

To provide that assessment I am asking you to complete four, individually written, deliverables over the duration of this project.  Each will correspond to one of the elements of your team's design document.  Each will give you an opportunity to reflect on the process and your participation in your team's efforts.  Each will follow the common structure outlined below:

  1. Provide a 2-3 paragraph review of what you think about your team's deliverable this week when it comes to designing course grading.
  2. What did your team due as far as designing a grading scheme to address issues of supportive policies and equitable grading? 
  3. Where are the elements of your final, group, grading scheme you like versus the elements that you still aren't sure about? Are there things you agreed upon as a group but you aren't sure you agree as an individual?
  4. What is one question you still have about designing the grading as part of curriculum design.