CP 3.1 - Considering existing curriculum

In the previous activity for this module you started to describe a course you do/might teach. Soon you will begin a full course development cycle. One of the things that would be helpful in that process is having an existing course to reference for some guidance.

Do some internet research to find a published curriculum that you feel supports the development of the course you have been planning/describing.  I hesitate to give examples of what I am looking for because often that becomes the only things many students consider.  I also hesitate to give examples because I know that many of you are already working with one or more.  If you are already using a specific curriculum in a specific course that you are teaching it is perfectly acceptable to refer to that in this deliverable.  However, you may find benefit by looking again at additional resources beyond that one curriculum you use.

Create a summary report providing a description and key ideas/advantages that would be useful to others in this course.  I again encourage you to use the MANIC technique for organzing this.

  • What do you think is the MOST important aspect of this particular curriculum
  • Something you AGREE with in the curriculum (what do you like about it)
  • Something you do NOT agree with in the curriculum (what do you NOT like about it)
  • Something you found INTERESTING about this curriculum in what you saw about it
  • Something you found CONFUSING about this curriculum in what you saw about it


I will ask that you complete this Google Form to provide some information about this curriculum.



I am collecting this activity NOT to grade it but, instead, to use it as a way to gather information that we can share with each other.