Module 1
Computer Science As a K-12 Discipline


  • Describe the general discipline of computer science.
  • Identify and describe computer science related (computational thinking) activities that students in different grade bands [grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12] ought to be able to "do".
  • Provide a rationale for teaching ideas related to computer science in grades K-5.
  • Provide a rationale for teaching ideas related to computer science in grades 6-12.



This module consists of a variety of online training modules, readings, and reflections. Please complete these in the following order:










Additional/Optional Readings

I do not think that reading these activities will assist you with the outcomes of this module. However, I think that there is some good information in here about how we view computer science at the college level. Depending on your wants/needs as an educator you may find this helpful as you consider working with students who might go on to become computer science majors in college.

  1. Readings: Become familiar with the ACM’s Curriculum Recommendations
  2. Readings: Read Chapter Two of the Overview Report of ACM’s Computing Curricula 2020 [Focuses on CS at the college level]