The "Checkpoint Evaluation" process

Not all activities in this course are evaluated to the level of a competency demo. Some activities are what I will call "checkpoint" activities. These are graded entirely on a binary (1/0) basis.  You get credit for submitting something on time and that shows that you put time and effort/thought in to crafting a meaningful response. 

For the most part, I am looking at these to see evidence that you completed some external activity and that you can talk about that activity in a meaningul way. You can think about these as "practice" problems for the competency demos. A score of 1 means that you are at least making progress. It means that if this were a CD question you would at least get a 2. Note that a 1 doesn't even align with "competent." It just means you are on the right learning track. Having said all of that, I encourage you to take these seriously.