#Idea 1 Open the data file for reading Throw away the header line create an empty list for my information for each line of data in my file read the line break it up identify city identify population convert the population from string to number add to the list a bundle containing the population and the city sort the list from largest to smallest population print the top 10 (first 10) cities and their populations #Idea 2 Write down the first 10 cities Put them in order from largest to smallest populations For each of the remaining cities in my list if the population of the next city is larger than the smallest city on my list erase the smallest city from the list insert this city in the correct order on the list print the top ten list that you have been maintaining Algona 5415 Adel 4924 Albia 3732 Ackley 1788 Akron 1478 Allison 1134 Afton 901 Adair 814 Alden 810 Alburnett 812