Week 1
Getting Started
Weekly Coding
You do not need to complete every weekly coding activity to be competent. But, you should make an effort to complete at least half of the assignments over the course of the semester.
We will kick off class today by:
- Talking about Course Structure
- Talking about the Syllabus
- Kicking off the next couple of days.
After Class
- Create your initial draft of a statement about your beliefs about Teaching and Learning
- Write a first draft prior to class on Friday
- Bring it with you on Friday
- You will have the opportunity to revise and resubmit by the end of the day on Sunday
- We will discuss what you wrote in your Teaching and Learning reflection
- Identify things you all have in common
- Identify things where you differ from your peers
After Class
- If you wish, you can revise your statement about your beliefs about Teaching and Learning
- Prepare for Monday by completing the "Elements of Programming" activity
- Brainstorm and bring your notes to class on Monday
- You will also use these ideas as part of the CD for week #2
Weekly Deliverables
- As appropriate you may rewrite your beliefs about Teaching and Learning
- Submit the final version of your on Blackboard by Sunday
- This is your weekly Competency Demo (0-4 pts).