Week 13 Lessons
Reading from Files Using Miss Tea Customer Data
In class today I used:
- Large File - MissTeaCustomerData.csv
- Small File - SmallSample.csv
- Panopto Recording
These are the videos I used in my online class if you want to watch them too.
- Reading from Files - Miss Tea Customer Database
- Getting started understanding reading from files
- Producing a function to count our customers from a single state
- VIDEO: Quick explanation (for those who want to try to do this before I do)
- VIDEO: stateCount()
- VIDEO: defining the encoding type
- Producing a function that tells me the average order amount for all customers
- Producing a function that tells me the average order amount for the customers from a given state
- VIDEO: Quick explanation (for those who want to try to do this before I do)
- VIDEO: averageSaleByState() solution
- Determine the average sales for EVERY state
- VIDEO: Explanation