CS 1150 PEEE   Scratch: Polygons and Spiralling


We have seen some "programming" activity (via the code.org course) and discussed what programming is. There are a variety of things you (or your students) can do with Scratch)—story telling, animation, having the computer draw, games, trivia/quizzing, etc. This assignment has to do with drawing, in particular drawing regular polygons. This document has two parts—the specifications for the assignment and information that should help you understand how do to the assignment.

Activity Specifications

This activity asks that you produce a Scratch program that accomplishes three drawing tasks—drawing regular polygons, drawing spirals, and drawing a spirograph-like image. I will demo a program to show what is meant--your programs are not meant to duplicate mine, just accomplish the three tasks. We will also use some class time to develop algorithms for the activities.

The program you plan and implement should meet the following expectations.

Remember the "pair programming" process as you work. One person types and the other person watches and corrects, questions, etc. After a bit (at most 30 minutes) you change roles.

Submitting your work

When you are finished with your program you will want to share it with the class by placing it in our studio. That process involves:

That should be all it takes to "submit" the program. Whichever partner submitted the program should have the other partner sign in to Scratch and double check that the project is available in the studio. Don't forget that both partners need to jointly complete the PAC assignment for this activity.

Note that you should always be able to get back to the project page or to the Scratch programming environment from which you can access the project page. If you joined Scratch, your projects should all be available and be saved regularly by the system.


I will be checking the programs to see if they meet the specifications (noted above). A program that minimally meets all the specs is at least "okay" (will get a C or better). Better programs will go beyond the the minimal specs, e.g., change/set sprite names, use non-standard pen sizes and colors, have neat code areas, comment code if helpful, use input from the user in the program, have multiple new blocks, use more than one parameter to the blocks, avoid glitches (e.g., extra lines, interfering graphics, etc.), etc.

Scratch Programming Information

The information below may be useful as you produce Scratch programs.

General Environment Information

Assignment Specific Information