STAT 1772 01 8:00 a.m. MWF WRT 010 Fall Semester 2017 Introduction to Statistical Methods ********Reasonable accommodations will be made for all students with a qualified disability. All requests for accommodations from students claiming disabilities must be processed through the Office of Disability Services, 103 SHC (Student Health Center) (273-2676). ************************************************** **********The University of Northern Iowa is committed to providing a positive educational environment free of discrimination and harassment. If the actions of others cause an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment, students should contact the Head of the Department where such actions occurred, or the Office of Compliance and Equity Management. ******************************** Text: Introductory Statistics( This is a free online textbook. If you want hard copy, Copyworks (corner of College and 23rd) will print it for less than $40 [you should verify that the price has not gone up] (the text is 641 pages) (they may need 24 hours to print it). Instructor: Campbell, R. B. Wright 328. x-32447 e-mail: Office hours: Unless there is excessive demand, office hours will not be restricted to specified times. You may either catch me after class, call me on the phone, or leave an e-mail message to find a time that is mutually convenient. (I shall generally be in my office MWF 9:00 a.m.). N.B.: Help will also be available from the Mathematics and Science Services (Academic Learning Center -- ITT (East Gym) 008). The hours for the Mathematics and Science Services are at [The Acaedemic Learning Center also provides support for writing and other academic needs including Praxis Core preparation at no cost to enrolled students. Further information is available at .] THERE IS ALSO SUBSTANTIAL SUPPORT FOR THIS COURSE IN MY WEBSPACE (, but I shall not cover all the material in that web space. You can get to my webspace from UNI's home page by going to the College of Humanities, Arts and Sciences home page, the Mathematics Department home page, the faculty home page (About Us - People), and my home page, but the links may be hard to find. The material I put on the web is designed to be useful from a text browser (e.g., lynx), but there are some graphical enhancements. Although copies of exams I gave a previous semester are available in my webspace, my coverage this semester will be different, hence they have limited utility as a study guide. I shall advise you of the extent to which they reflect my present coverage prior to tests. I will also advise you if I change the format of my tests. There will be three tests worth 100 points each and a final worth 125 points. Tentative test dates are: chapters 1, 2 15 September 100 chapters 3, 4, 5, 6 13 October 100 chapters 6, 7, 8, 11 17 November 100 chapter 10, comprehensive 11 December 125 (The coverage and dates are tentative. I reserve the right to omit sections of the text and/or provide supplementary material, including material from chapters/sections not listed.) There will also be about 10 quizzes worth 7 points each; the best seven will be added to your point total: 49 THE FIRST QUIZ WILL BE ON Friday, August 25. There will be no make-up quizzes. **If you miss more than two quizzes for good cause (and e-mail me at the end of the semester), I shall pro-rate your quiz scores.** **If you miss a test, you will make it up at your earliest convenience.** Cheating of any kind on examinations or quizzes is a serious matter as discussed in Policies and Procedures 3.01 Academic Ethics/Discipline ( Sanctions may range from no credit for the test or quiz to suspension from the University. Attendance is not a component of your point total, but it is a courtesy to me to send me an e-mail ( when you cannot attend class. A dearth of quizzes will negatively impact your grade. No homework will be collected. However, I shall indicate problems in the text that you should look at (these are listed in my webspace). Answers to the odd numbered problems are in the text. Answers to even numbered problems I have listed are in my web-space. On Friday, August 25, I shall pass around a seating plan where you will indicate where you will sit for the remainder of the semester. I hope that this will facilitate my learning of your names and your learning of each other. Although I (as a representative of the faculty) and the library are two important reasons for coming to UNI to learn instead of reading books at home, your peers are also a valuable resource. I shall try to draw to your attention any inaccuracies in the text of which I am aware. You are invited to draw errata or unclear material to my attention. You are also invited to correct any mistakes I make in lecture, and mistakes in my web space. This handout has been prepared using PC-Write. You should learn to use a word processor before you graduate. (It has been revised using the TPU texteditor on ICEMAN/COBRA/VIPER, textedit on a Sun, Kedit under debian Linux, and gedit under ubuntu linux.) Introduction to Statistical Methods (STAT 1772) is a Liberal Arts Core course. It is neither a first course in mathematical statistics nor a first course in applied statistics. Its purpose is neither to prepare you to prove statistical formulae nor to perform tests of significance on data. You will be expected to understand some basic mathematics and probability upon which statistics relies; this is not an end in itself, but should help you appreciate what statistics can do. You will be expected to perform some tests of significance; this is not an end in itself, but should help you appreciate what significance means. This course will not make you a statistician, but should diminish the extent to which you are intimidated when confronted with statistical data and statistical analyses. This course will follow the standard trinity of introductory statistics: descriptive statistics, elementary probability (which is necessary for understanding inferential statistics), and inferential statistics. Correlation and regression will be presented as descriptive statistics at the end of the course. Some of you will take subsequent courses in statistics. Such courses will probably be of a more applied character, although a few of you may take courses which are more mathematical (theoretical). This course will serve as a foundation for either type of course. You will be expected to know the mathematics, probability, statistical measures, and statistical tests you have used in this course (they will probably be retaught more quickly). Less time will be devoted to asking you what statistics really tells you (does). In the event of a fire [alarm], Wright Hall may be exited by the stairwells which are located at each end (north and south) of the building. Fire extinguishers are located near each stairwell on each floor. In the event of a tornado, go to the corridor on the floor where your class is meeting, there is not room for everybody to gather on the ground floor if classes are in session; DO NOT remain on the third (top) floor in the event of a tornado. The University of Northern Iowa does not discriminate in employment or education. Visit for additional information.